The Party That Means Business
An excellent blog post at Firedoglake spells out how Repos are all in favor of a 'public option' when it's publically-funded and -managed insurance for property, including subsidies, retroactive coverage, and mandated universality—the same Repos who oppose the same things for human beings:
Along the Gulf Coast, on the barrier islands on the Atlantic, in below-water expanses behind river levees and in desert communities plagued by flash floods, our federal government is there using tax dollars to help take care of damaged property.
But people? Providing a public option so people can buy health insurance through the federal government is "socialism," according to Senator John Kyl, the Republican senator from Arizona, a desert state where flash floods are as permanent a feature of reality as sickness and injury. Will someone ask Kyl why he favors what he calls socialist policies for property, but not people?